Urinary tract infection


If you have complaints when urinating and think you may have a bladder infection, you can submit urine to our practice. This is possible every working day until 10:00 am.

You can collect clean containers to collect urine at the practice counter. When collecting the urine, pay attention to the following points:

  • We prefer to receive morning urine.
  • Return the urine to the practice within 2 hours of collection, or store it in the refrigerator.
  • Collect 'mid-stream' urine: urinate a little, collect the middle part, and urinate the last part.

It is important that you complete a number of questions about your complaints in advance.

You can do this digitally via the patient portal. To do this, go to the patient portal, choose to make an appointment, select 'cystitis' as the complaint and complete the questionnaire. If this does not work, you can complete a form at the counter.


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