
033 479 4095 Practice van der Molen & Verboom
033 479 4091 Practice Rijsdijk
033 479 4093 Practice Verhage
033 479 4092 Practice Stek

Emergency outside opening hours: 085 773 1100
Life threatening situations: 112


Welcome to our GP practice

On this website you can find all sorts of practical information about our GP practice such as: where the GP practice is located, when and how you can...
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Presence team members

Mo Tu We Th Fr
Dhr. J.C. van der Molen
Mevr. L. Verboom-Bos
Dhr. B.A. Rijsdijk
Mevr. L.P. Stek
Mw. I.D. Verhage-Borgdorff

Thuisarts.nl / GPinfo.nl

Do you have a question or would you like to know more about health and illness?
The website Thuisarts.nl / GPinfo.nl offers a lot of information in an understandable way.

Proceed to the website


NHG-GP practice Accreditation

Our GP practice is NHG accredited. This means that the quality system of the GP practice is tested annually by NHG-GP practice Accreditation. The quality mark stands for maintaining and improvement of good-quality and modern healthcare.

NHG praktijkaccreditatie logo
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